"What's your sole purpose in this job?"

In the movie Forrest Gump, a drill sergeant pulls Forrest and asks him “What’s your sole purpose in this Army?” And without skipping a beat, Gump yells “To do whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant!”

Over the years, I’ve had quite a few young professionals ask me how they can grow in their careers. I tell them, “Well, anything you do at work should make your boss shine in front of their bosses”.

OUCH! The contempt I see in their eyes when I say these words is remarkable. It’s like seeing Thanos about to snap his fingers right in front of my eyes.

But I see it as confirmation bias. People interpret “making your boss shine” as being a part of the entire sycophancy cult - and nobody wants to proudly be in that club!

What if - and hear me out - *your work* actually gets them goodwill in front of their bosses? You'll become their go-to person for whenever something critical comes up. They'll ask you to prop-up that presentation because the last time you did that, the Chairman really liked how that slide was presented. Hmm?

Dale Carnegie said that the only one way to get anybody to do anything is by making the other person want to do it. If you want your boss to give you a promotion, make him or her want to give you a promotion.

How do you do that? Ask Forrest Gump.


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